
French cooking lesson 3

Lesson 3:
Pates and terrines, foie gras, and pasta (nouilles)

We got a treat before starting cooking. Yes, foie gras! 

Lobster about to take a bath in boiling water...just hold its tail tightly

Lobster incident  (story follows)

When I first saw the table with all of the ingredients for shellfish pasta sauce, I thought there must just be shrimp or clams under the tea towel. However,it turned out there were two beautiful live lobsters hiding under there.
Of course, this is a French cooking course, so you must go through cooking a lobster. (Scary to think of killing the lobster... although It wasn't my first time) 
Laila volunteered to throw it into the boiling water. She managed to put one in very calmly and quickly. However, when Pat (my teacher) was bringing the next one toward her, while petting tne lobster and saying 'thank you, you did a great job, beautiful lobster...' 
she accidently dropped the lobster onto the floor making a tremendously loud 'crack' sound! 
It was big surprise for both the lobster and us... although for the lobster it was a very final and deadly surprise....
I'm pretty sure this definitely killed it quicker than the boiling bath..

Terrine of eel

home made pasta, shellfish sauce and grilled razor clams

Terrine of eel, toasted brioche and salad

Marble of foie gras with a game meat centre

spice-rub crusted quail with frothy sauce and puy lentils

rich chocolate tarte, crepe filled with orange cream and almonds, goat cheese ice cream


Kayeon said...

Oh mon dieu!!! Incredible! I'm glad you're having fun!! (so jealous!)

I'm going to save up every penny I get and come to Amsterdam! :D

Medifast Coupon Code 2011 said...

Now because the lobster fell and died would you still be able to cook it?

sayaka said...

Kayeon! I'm jealous of you surrounded by a lot of oppotunities and nice people! and easy access to NY! I'm heading to Sydney soon for an internship then most likely to head to the east cost canada in this fall. Might see you soon there!

sayaka said...

Well, after killing the lobster by dropping, we boiled it anyways, so it's sterilised. I don't think there's any difference between live boil or freshly dead boil...

Anonymous said...

I love that photo of the lobster incident,your cooking lessons look so much fun!